Thursday, January 22, 2009

flower dolls or school shoes?

So far I have nine!
Some have been swapped and others are for sale.
They are good little friends and have been helping me procrastinate a job that needs doing. Today I was hoping to get to creating a gal of larger dimensions but... looks like the first of many school shoe buying trips is going to have to finally happen today.

(hope the queues are not too long, her foot is not to skinny to fit and that I don't have to take out a second mortgage to buy them - other than that...very exciting!)


angelique said...

They are all so pretty:)

Anonymous said...

The flower dolls are delightful.

And I sympathise over the shoe shopping - long, narrow feet have been the bane of my daughter's life since her first pair and unfortunately hasn't become any easier. Sending good shoe shopping vibes your way.